
The focus of our advocacy work is to address the issues faced by Ireland’s Black and Mixed-Race community and to lobby for positive social developments, for the Black and Irish community, by engaging with pertinent stakeholders and advocating for social change from political decision makers. 

We have big aspirations for our community including increasing community engagement and involvement with politics, ensuring elected representatives are sensitive to the issues affecting the Black and Irish community, and including voices from the Black and Irish community in mainstream political discourse on the critical issues affecting the nation. 

We are also working on challenging discriminatory laws and policies that may arise such as the direct provision system and tackling the rise of the far-right in Ireland.

Our Advocacy work

Community Town Halls

Join us for conversations about issues that matter most to the community. We aim to use our Community Town Halls to empower community members to use their voices to influence positive change in our society. Keep an eye on our website and socials and sign up for our newsletter to get updates on upcoming Town Hall events!

Irish Politics Handbook

Interested in how Irish democracy works and the part you can play in it? Click here to download our handbook!

Forum on a Family Friendly and Inclusive Parliament

Black and Irishâ„¢ was invited to make a submission to the Forum on a Family Friendly and Inclusive Parliament, to suggest ways in which parliament could be more inclusive.

Click the link to read our submission.

Contact Us

Contact us to learn more about our Advocacy work.

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